Timber Pest Inspection
Timber Pest Inspections are a vital part of making an informed decision before purchasing a property. Timber Pests such as Termites, Wood Borers and Fungal Decay are famous for causing significant damage to the structure of a home. Some damage calls for repair and some a complete rebuild.
Burleigh Building Inspections use experience and technology to investigate such things as structural levels, moisture readings and pest activity. This helps to pull the pieces of evidence together. Further intrusive investigations can be carried out if required.
Termite damage undermines the structural integrity of the home. Not only can the Building and Pest Inspector detect visual activity they can also advise on the structural implications and potential rectifications needing to be done if damage is found.
Dan from Burleigh Building Inspections has combined experience in both Construction and Timber Pest. He holds the unique ability to investigate and conclude information in YOUR best interests.
We recommend an initial Pre Purchase Timber Pest Inspection followed by regular annual Termite Inspections. All our inspections are carried out to meet the AS 3660.1 requirements.
Don’t Risk it! Get a Termite Inspection done! Structural repairs are costly and not fun!